Game Observations, Critiques & Suggestions for RoG Dev Team

I thought it easier to write this out within a google doc given the length of said write up. As it's setup to be viewed only, please be sure to read through it's entirety prior to making any constructive criticism within this post. As stated within these are suggestions, observations and the like

6 year ago Last Post by Anonymous31910761(3 year ago)
Anonymous31508542 13 4624 Anonymous31910761 03/10/2021 22:53
Is Filagra Oral Jelly a vasodilator or vasoconstrictor?

Filagra Oral Jelly contains sildenafil citrate as its act

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What are Slimms Gummies?


Slimms Gummies  represent a revolutionary leap in the realm of dietary supplements, seamlessly blending convenience, taste, and health benefits into one delightful package. In a world where achieving a balanced lifestyle often feels like a daunting challenge, these gummies of

3 hours ago
Anonymous31996213 0 1
What is Androcyn Male Enhancement?

Androcyn is a male enhancement supplement designed to naturally improve men’s health, including testosterone production, libido, muscle mass, and overall vitality. As the body ages, it often experiences a decline in testosterone levels, leading to decreased energy, reduced muscle mass, and di

3 hours ago
Anonymous31996213 0 1
Puerto Vallarta Boat Rentals

Puerto Vallarta Boat Rentals

Enjoy the freedom of exploring Puerto Vallarta's stunning coastline with our boat rentals. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful day of sailing or an adventurous outing, our boat rental services cater to all your needs.

Why Rent a Boat in Puerto Valla

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I heed your advice I need a tool to download music directly to my phone. What’s the best option? 20 hours ago Last Post by Anonymous31996179(20 hours ago)
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What is Slim Swift Pro ?

Slim Swift Pro are designed with dietary inclusivity in mind. They are vegetarian, gluten-free, and non-GMO, making them suitable for a wide range of dietary preferences and restrictions. This attention to dietary needs ensures that even those with specific lifestyle choices or allergies can

20 hours ago
Anonymous31996171 0 4
Androcyn: The Ultimate Testosterone Support Formula

Androcyn’s formulation focuses on optimizing bodily functions that contribute to male health without the risk of dangerous side effects typically associated with synthetic alternatives. As we explore its efficacy and ingredients, it will become evident why Androcyn has earned a spot on the ra

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Anonymous31996171 0 4
Can Cenforce Fm 100 Mg be used during pregnancy or breastfee Cenforce FM 100 mg contains sildenafil and flibanserin. Sildenafil is used to treat erectile dysfunction, while flibanserin is used to treat female sexual interest/arousal disorder (FSIAD). Here’s a breakdown of considerations regarding its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding: Use During Pregnanc... 1 days ago
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satellite production

If you are currently looking for a site with as much information as possible on the topic of satellite production, I can safely recommend you to go here - satellite production ! Hurry to them. You won't find anything better now. Hurry to them.


1 days ago
Anonymous31922277 0 4
Androcyn: Boost Your Testosterone Naturally

Androcyn is a male enhancement supplement designed to naturally improve men’s health, including testosterone production, libido, muscle mass, and overall vitality. As the body ages, it often experiences a decline in testosterone levels, leading to decreased energy, reduced muscle mass, and di

1 days ago
Anonymous31996143 0 4
What is SlimSwift Pro ?

Slim Swift Pro are an innovative health supplement that encapsulates the well-documented benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV) in a convenient and delicious gummy form. Apple cider vinegar has been a staple in health and wellness circles for its numerous potential benefits, including its abil

1 days ago
Anonymous31996143 0 4
VeeloBooster의 권장 복용량은 얼마인가요?

VeeloBooster 종종 좌절과 자신감 저하로 이어지는 성적 성능 문제에 시달리는 남성에게 유망한 치료제로 자리매김합니다. 천연 성분에 기반한 솔루션으로 자리매김한 VeeloBooster 친밀한 환경에서 리비도, 체력, 전반적인 활력과 같은 핵심 측면을 타겟팅하여 남성의 성적 건강을 되살리는 포괄적인 접근 방식을 제공한다고 주장합니다. VeeloBooster 매력의 핵심은 남성 기능을 향상시키는 것으로 알려진 천연 성분을 혼합하여 신중하게 만든 제형에 있습니다. 이러한 성분은 과학적 연구와 전통적인 사용법을 기반

1 days ago
Anonymous31996099 0 8
Nexalyn의 가격은 얼마인가요?

Nexalyn 남성의 리비도와 성적 지구력에 중요한 역할을 하는 테스토스테론을 비롯한 호르몬의 균형을 맞추는 도움이 됩니다. 천연 최음제와 항산화제가 포함되어 세포 재생과 전반적인 에너지 수준을 더욱 지원하여 Nexalyn 남성 성적 향상을 위한 포괄적인 솔루션이 됩니다. 발기 부전에 직면해 있든 성적 경험을 향상시키고 싶든, Nexalyn 수많은 남성에게 신뢰할 있고 실용적인 선택임이 입증되었습니다. Nexalyn 신체적, 성적 성능을 향상시키도록 설계된 다양한 테스토스테론 향상 보충제를 제공합니다.

1 days ago
Anonymous31996099 0 6
Are Kamagra 100 Mg tablets suitable for people with liver pr

Kamagra 100 mg tablets contain Sildenafil Citrate, a PDE5 inhibitor used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). When considering the use of Kamagra 100 mg in people with liver problems, several precautions should be taken:

Liver Function Assessment: Liver function should be assessed before sta

2 days ago
Anonymous31950511 0 10
VeeloBooster는 무엇을 하나요?

VeeloBooster 종종 좌절과 자신감 저하로 이어지는 성적 성능 문제에 시달리는 남성에게 유망한 치료제로 자리매김합니다. 천연 성분에 기반한 솔루션으로 자리매김한 VeeloBooster 친밀한 환경에서 리비도, 체력, 전반적인 활력과 같은 핵심 측면을 타겟팅하여 남성의 성적 건강을 되살리는 포괄적인 접근 방식을 제공한다고 주장합니다. VeeloBooster 매력의 핵심은 남성 기능을 향상시키는 것으로 알려진 천연 성분을 혼합하여 신중하게 만든 제형에 있습니다. 이러한 성분은 과학적 연구와 전통적인 사용법을 기반

2 days ago
Anonymous31996061 0 8