Dear players,
we are pleased to share the update dates with you.
1. Event time line: we have checked and fixed some reported bugs with the events. They should run correctly now.
2. Display issues such as words running too long. We will continue to check to make sure that wording is correct and easy to read.
3. Level event premium rewards. We have reviewed and changed the requirement for the event so that players will benefit more from the event by getting the rewards earlier. ( as a bonus, every player that activated the event, can reclaim the diamond rewards )
4. Team Battle event invite announcement. Now players can see the difficulty setting for the event in announcements.
5. Gilded gate wording has been changed so it is easier to understand
6. Clan system has been reviewed and changed.
Please continue to update us if you find any bugs or issues that affect your ability to play and enjoy the game. Thank you for your support of CoE. We would also like to share the news that S2 will be opening soon and also we have a big update for the game, keep looking for further details to come soon.
If you have any feedback, suggestions or ideas for the game, please share with us on Facebook, Forums or with the in game G. Ms.
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