New Version: V3.90
New Mount:
1. Ghostfire Cat
The evolution of Persian Cat, Glamour Skill: Ghostfire Embrace
2. Seraphic Cat
The evolution of Ghostfire Cat, Glamour: Seraphic Embrace
3. Iridescent Warhorse
The evolution of Warhorse, Glamour skill: Iridescent Battle Cry
4. Cerulean Warhorse
The evolution of Iridescent Warhorse, Glamour skill: Cerulean Battle Cry
5. Purgatory Warhorse
The evolution of Cerulean Warhorse, Glamour skill: Purgatory Battle Cry
New Clothing:
Devotee Costume
Are you wondering what the warriors are wearing on the ancient land where Monica comes from?
The 24th CS Tournament starts on Mar. 5th (server time).
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