2. No events
3. Team Dungeon => Team Challenge/Team Defense
3 player limit not always working
4. Problems with Daily tasks
*) hatched 10 pets
*) you done daily task: 5 attempts for hatching your pets 5/5
*) loged out
*) come back and saw that daily task is not done - 5 attempts for hatching your pets 0/5. But free hatching attempts run out, gold was used. It's mean that need spend more gold.
Sometimes this problem are with pets, mounts (maybe with goddess too, I can't remember).
5. Team Dungeon => Team Defence
From 1 challenge got x3 reward (3 messages in one time).
I done challange, shown Victory! Challenged successfully! I made click on OK... Then I got windows where are Exit and second windows with message that I already accepted. But its ok, I clicked 3 times OK and it disapeared, then clicked Exit. And i got 3x rewards from 1 challenge :)

6. With Kings Bounty all is okey?
4 players, 4*4*13=208 chests. From 208 chests we (4players) get 7 keys and 3 thieves (2+2+2 keys).
Really? From 208 chests we got 7 keys and 3 thieves!
How works random or % in this event?
1) When Dragoo or Serjoga are in attacking position, then in arena activities showing ---> You vs Ida·Alma.
I tried to find s79.Ida·Alma, but got "The player doesn't exist!"
2) I have problem, that in this activities does not show who challenges me. Just showing what I've been challenging. But I will try clean my cache/cookies
8. Still have mystical in rank system => thread