Where are Chaos VS rewards?


07:22 03/16/2018


Threads: 5

Posts: 13

Server: s79

Nickname: BekBekLV

Date/time: 03/15/2018 20:00 - **:**

Problem: My team got 2 place in this event (Chaos VS), but I got 1 place as player. Later I joined in guild boss event... I wait all time and dont get message about chaos vs. Why? And how now I can get my rewards from this event?

p.s. I asked to my guild leader who was in this event too, he got rewards (I think before started guild boss).




Threads: 5

Posts: 13

I tried another time, but in my messages don't have rewards from Chaos VS  Where are my rewards from this event? ::@@@@@@@@@@@@@@




Community Manager

Threads: 282

Posts: 2371

There is a problem with chaos vs, it was reported to the games developers for checking but as you can see, there is still ongoing issues with the game.

I will ask if we can manually credit you....




Threads: 2

Posts: 49

BekBek, are you *sure* your guild leader got the 2 mails with chaos vs rewards???? We on server 80 have not received them for more than a week. We already reported this bug in a different topic.




Community Manager

Threads: 282

Posts: 2371

I will see if I can check the back end and confirm the report, it just means that I have to work out the rewards in chinese and see if I can track them




Threads: 5

Posts: 13

anonymous, my guild leader ASERETY said that he got reward from chaos vs...

Maybe he lied to me, I don't know 

  • anonymous10373983 ASERETY isn't even on the list in your screenshot, so if you can get a better source that would be great.

    03/18/2018 09:16

  • BekBekLV Maybe its because he was in chaos vs at 03/15/2018, but ss made in second day 03/16/2018?!?!

    03/18/2018 11:41