To start the Guardian Meditation, click at Meditation bu
You will need Tokens to meditate (Check Guards Escort Guide for more info about acquiring Tokens)
Item A - Meditation attempts left (you can buy with gold attempts at Increase bu
Item B - Exchange Shop where you can use Tokens to buy the material tools
Item C - Meditation tools owned
Item D - Current Token
Item E - Meditation place, each one give a different Guardian EXP and requires a specific meditation tools
Level Requirements
Hellfire Plain - Level 95
Wasteland - Level 85
Rainforest - level 75
Click at Exchange bu
Select the meditation place, and choose a Guardian. Click Meditate bu
The Guardian you selected will start meditating, a timer will start a countdown to finish it. You can try to get extra Guardian EXP choosing a branch of meditation.
Item A - Guardian meditating
Item B - Countdown timer
Item C - Branch of Meditation, it will require extra Tokens or Gold to activate. You can buy more attempts using gold
Item D - Exp and items that will be obtained after meditating completes
Item F - Guardian details
Selecting a branch of meditation
Check the current requirements and decide to go forward or cancel it
After using a branch of meditation the result will be showed at the Earn EXP section
When Meditation finishes you click in CLAIM bu
Meditation Place can be occupied by one guardian, but you can meditate different guardians in different places at the same time.