Hey, great question! I've actually come across this topic myself. If you're looking for genuine content that doesn’t feel overly staged, you might want to check out this
https://mysiterip.com/2882-creampieinasia-com-siterip/ site. They’ve got a pretty extensive collection dedicated specifically to this category, and the content there tends to focus on exactly what you’re looking for—realistic and natural interactions. It’s a reliable source if you're after something that's both high-quality and true to the genre’s style.
The site curates content from various creators, and it doesn’t feel like the typical sc
ripted stuff you might find elsewhere. Plus, they keep things updated fairly regularly, so you’re not stuck seeing the same clips over and over. I’ve found some pretty good recommendations there that highlight authentic interactions, and it seems to have a good balance between quality and variety. Might be worth a look if that’s what you’re after!