Reliable online bra size calculator


14:51 10/05/2024


Threads: 3

Posts: 1

Hi guys!!! I have a question about online bra sizing calculators such as brasizecalculator. I've heard that many girls often make the wrong choice due to incorrect measurements. What do you think should be considered to determine your size correctly? And does anyone have any negative experiences with these calculators? It would be great to hear your opinions and advice!




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Posts: 2

Yes, determining bra size is a really important topic and I can share my experience. Using online bra calculator such as brasizecalculator can be quite helpful, but as with anything, there are nuances. First, before using a calculator, it's important to get your measurements right. To do this, you will need a soft centimeter tape. I recommend taking measurements in underwear to avoid distortion. The first thing to measure is the girth under the breast - this is the base size. Make sure that the centimeter tape fits snugly against your body, but not too tight, otherwise it can lead to incorrect data. After that, you need to measure the girth at the widest part of the bust. You need to be careful here: the chest must be relaxed, otherwise the result may be incorrect. When you enter this data into the calculator, it will give you the bra size. But here's the thing: sizes can vary from brand to brand. I myself have encountered situations where the same size from different manufacturers fit completely differently. For example, I once ordered a bra based on the calculator's recommendations, and it turned out to be not only uncomfortable, but also just looked weird.




Threads: 1

Posts: 2

Great conversation, guys! I too have been having trouble choosing a bra. It's interesting what you say about the different brands and styles. Personally, I think it's best to try in a store, but sometimes it's convenient to order online. By the way, do you pay attention to reviews when choosing? It can help a lot with understanding how the bra will fit.