The role of growth hormone in accelerating recovery after training.


15:24 09/25/2024


Threads: 20

Posts: 55

I noticed that it has become more difficult to recover after intense training - before, a couple of days would be enough, but now the muscle pain can last for a whole week. One friend said that he tried growth hormone and, according to him, recovery began to happen faster. Allegedly, he was even able to train more often, since the muscles had time to recover faster. I wonder if it really helps as they say? Has anyone else tried growth hormone to speed up recovery after training?




Threads: 48

Posts: 63

I can confirm that it works. Personally, I started using growth hormone when I encountered a similar problem - training became exhausting, and recovery was delayed. After I started the course with GH, I noticed that my muscles stopped hurting for so long, and I had more strength. Of course, it is not a panacea, but you can feel the difference. If you are interested, you can buy HGH online here - a good place to buy if you decide to try. Just do not forget about proper training and nutrition.




Threads: 11

Posts: 27

It's funny how many opinions there are about growth hormone. I've never used it personally, but I've heard both positive and neutral reviews. It seems to help with recovery, but it always seemed to me that simple methods like quality sleep, rest, and proper nutrition can also have a great effect. Although, perhaps, everything is individual, and everyone is looking for their own way to improve results.