Solutions for automation and optimization of operations in facility management


07:22 09/20/2024


Threads: 44

Posts: 41

I've been thinking about how to automate and optimize operations in facility management. We've recently expanded the number of buildings to monitor, and frankly speaking, it's become difficult to quickly solve all the tasks. There's a lot of routine work that takes time and prevents you from focusing on more important issues. Have any of you already tried implementing automation solutions to save time and make the process more transparent? I wonder what really works and what's just pretty promises from software vendors.




Threads: 9

Posts: 45

We manage a network of office buildings, and I also felt that our processes were slowing down a lot. At first, we tried to handle it manually, but this led to employees losing requests, and service was delayed. In the end, we implemented one platform for automation, and this changed the situation dramatically. There is a great solution that helped us. You can see more details here: The platform allows you to track all requests, distribute tasks between teams and control what stage each operation is at. For example, if a task is delayed, the system immediately sends notifications, so you can respond in time. We have significantly reduced the time it takes to resolve simple issues, because everything is now transparent and automated.




Threads: 7

Posts: 17

Yes, automation in facility management really does solve many issues. We also implemented something similar, and it became easier to control processes and respond to problems in a timely manner. The main thing is that the system is intuitive for employees, so that everyone can use it without problems.