Horoscope and astrology


04:03 09/07/2023


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Horoscope and astrology are two sides of the same coin. They are related but not identical to each other. Here are a few of the main differences between the two:

A horoscopios is a specific prediction or characteristic based on astrological data. Astrology is the general science of the influence of the planets and stars on life.
Horoscope is the result of astrological analysis. Astrology is the process of astrological analysis.
Horoscope is individual or group. Astrology is universal or specific.
Horoscope is more practical and applied. Astrology is more theoretical and fundamental.




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I support myself in exploring my own belief systems and spiritual philosophies, fostering a deeper understanding of myself. galactic astrology address the role of energy and consciousness in healing, acknowledging their influence on my holistic well-being.




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