We need a good software developer


03:54 07/24/2022


Threads: 10

Posts: 8

Preface: We are volunteers from New Jersey and are dedicated to helping rape victims.
We have good funding and can pay as much as it takes, but we don't know who to hire. Any help would be appreciated.




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Posts: 15

God, those poor girls. I can't imagine how they managed to survive it. It's hard to even imagine how many more were there and slew. I'm happy there are people like you who help them. About the company... https://waverleysoftware.com/java-software-development-services/ this one is good. I used to work for it, but I had to quit after giving birth. Unfortunately.




Threads: 3

Posts: 10

What kind of project are you doing? Is it a website/app? I know people who could help with that for free. Email me if you need to. Your case is really important.




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Posts: 5

In the absence of options for choosing, it is best to use the target platforms to create a list of good options. As the Minism, this is the way I used when looking for a developer to do app scanners. But in your case, everything can be more individual.




Threads: 8

Posts: 13

You can find and apply flexible methods for determining priorities in software development if you contact a team of professionals like them https://intetics.com/blog/3-powerful-prioritization-techniques-to-transform-agile-or-any-product-development-process/. It is with their help that you will be able to really develop an important and effective business that will benefit you and your users in the process of consumption.