Element Training Guide


21:32 07/05/2015


Community Manager

Threads: 195

Posts: 49

This feature is available to players which level reached 55 lvl or higher.

You can access Element Training icon by clicking on "Element Training" which can be found at the bottom of your screen.

(See picture below).
Or you can access this system by opening your character window and click on "Element" tab.
(See picture below.)

After opening Element Training, basic window with Element Pack will be opened.
1.) There are 6 slots where you can put your gained Elements. You can equip the same quality elements but their Attributes have to be different.
2.) This window will show you what bonus after upgrading your Elements your mail character will gain.
3.) Element Scrolls can be gained from killings mobs (as their drop reward) from Elemental Zones (lvl-55-64 /65-74/XXXXX). They are used to level up /higher Element Growth EXP bar.
4.) Element Core Stat Boost: Higher the Element Growth EXP higher % of boost will your core receive.
5.) Element Pack: This is the place where your newly gained Elements/Cores will be stacked. You can Sort, Synth or Recycle your Cores.




Threads: 10

Posts: 77

Element Training Guide is a free resource that I have put together to help students learn the elements. To start off, I am going to give you a quick rundown of what this website is about. Need to get Executive Assistant Training Center and manage their training tips. The element training guide will be your best friend through every phase of the game. It'll help you identify and train for the most popular farming areas, as well as help you get familiar with the metagame.