Shaikan is a game that we are keeping for memorial purposes but it does not work correctly.
Shaikan is the original AMZ game. Launch was delayed for 9 months while work was done to fix issues and bugs with the game but the decision was made to focus on other games and maybe one day, shaikan will get the rebuild that it needs because the game is massive and has so much potential.
The servers are ghost servers. it means that they are real servers and live but the servers are created using different types of coding and that coding is used in other games to create more stable servers
Shaikan is a old school game, using a hybrid diablo / WoW style game play and layout and I fell in love with the game when I first opened it because it has so much to offer players.... I can only hope that one day, shaikan will be rebuilt so players can experience the full game because there is so much to the game to enjoy and play.....
unfortunately we are talking about a year to recode the game and a lot of cost... thats currently why its not being worked on