Priests needs mayor buff. Why?


16:55 03/04/2016


Threads: 8

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First of all, let me introduce myself.

Im xCross from s.15. Currently level 73, vip6 , 180k br.

The first time i entered the game i thought to myself, this is a cool, fun game, looks like i can spend a little time in this one. So i didn't have any idea of the classes and chose Priests, cause browser games similar to this only has ARCHER , mage and warrior, priest seemed different , so i chose him and buffed him to vip 6 on the same day.

The thing is.. Mages are so Overpowered in all aspects of the game, that it gets EXTREMELY HARD to win the events, to climb the ladder. Ask yourself why in all 20 servers there are about 5 priests in top 10. Cause they cause little damage, they don't tank and they are melee. I will tell now in-depth skills of priest in all situations.

Now, if you're a priest you really only have 1 way. The Frost Rune.

Q -> Freezes enemies with short cool down, by far the best skill for PVP and Corridor defense
Q -> Fire gives a nice 50% more damage on elemental (not atk ) than Fire and Light, good for Boss ( But you won't use this, cause u won't level Fire, cause u want to maximize Freeze damage.
Q -> Light only good for farming.

W skill on Priests are completely, utterly ****. Don't use this on any situation, waste of MP

E -> My runes on Frost are level 62, the gorilla can take about 6 atks from level 66 monsters. It has a low-decent damage.


Now its only fair to say Priests needs a buff if you COMPARE with other classes.

The problems:

Farming with priests are terrible. Have you ever tried mage ? That chain skill kills so incredibly fast, they have no hard time . I can safely assume that while i kill 1 monster, mages have killed 3-4. In my server there is a good example of this. I play 24/7 and Yatsu, a mage with a similar BR too. Same spot. Yasuo is level 77. I am level 73. Do you see where im getting here ? That is not only 4 levels diference. Thats 10kk more gold and spirit and tons of item drops , like gems. That is not Fair.

W skill.. O my god, W skill.. don't get me started..
Fire gives 2% extra useless atk.. I prefer 1 AUTO ATK than this buff.
Lighting is promising. At runes level 40 in pvp and 10k elemental thunder atk you will give INCREDIBLE 100 damage per second on your enemy that has 250k HP. AWESOME.
Healing, Runes level 62 with 13275 FROST atk gives 5136 Heal. After 20 seconds.

So after 20 seconds you get 5k HP heal or deal 2000 Damage on lightining damage.. This is by far the skill that most needs BUFF.. I don't think developers created a skill so it could be useless, it just needs balancing.

E skill in all levels gets one shot on pvp.. Thats a skill that lets say gives 30% of ur total damage, so if you easily kill them, thats -30% total damage, making everything hard. Do you think i wanted to put Rune Frost on level 62 ? I didn't, It spends a lot of mp potion, per day i spend 1500 MP potions. 1500 MP potions. And for farm i don't even use Q frost, i use Q light for less mana. Why ?? So that gorilla could take 6 hits from monsters . That sucks. The mayor problem is that even if i had lv 80 rune frost, the gorilla would still be one shot on PVP.



Q -> Make Q shot range and skill range bigger. 30% Bigger.

W -> Just listen to me ok ? Simple math. Lets take lightening Q as a exemple. Priests W damage is based solely on Elemental damage. What that means ? Listen man, LISTEN.. all WARRIOR skills are based on base atk + elemental atk. All mages skills are based on base atk + elemental atk. If ur a mage and u press Q, ur total damage will be ur base atk + elemental atk, thats what im saying. Now priests don't work like that. Priest W Is only elemental. And Damage over time. In all other games Damage over time is the biggest damage one could deal, cause it wasn't a burst, it was a over time damage. So Here we have this situation where a lv 10 WARRIOR or MAGE can deal as much damage as a lv 73 Priest. My suggestion : Make the damage at least 10x bigger or add base atk to the formula. As I am now i give 1000 damage per second on mobs. Mobs have 144k hp...

E-> Increase his hp by leaps and bounds, Put his HP equals to the owner and increase the CD .

I hope admin Kit or any Developer can see this and all other players and priests help me with this.. this affects everyones playtime. My suggestions aren't crazy, in 1 day of work im pretty sure u can change these things.




Threads: 0

Posts: 7

Priests, in their current state, often struggle to maintain their presence in the late game. Their primary role as healers can be overshadowed by other classes with stronger sustain or damage output. A mayor buff could provide them with a much-needed boost, allowing them to contribute more effectively to team compositions and overall gameplay. This could potentially involve increased healing output, improved utility abilities, or even best paper writing services linkedin mechanic that sets them apart from other healers.