Cube Guide


15:42 10/09/2015


Community Manager

Threads: 54

Posts: 9

Cube Guide

You can open "Cube" when you reach level 32, simply click on Cube icon and it will open it's panel.

Important points:
* Cube Bonus effects are given to all your team
* Cube makes effect in all battles

You will open Cube's window which contain the following menus:

Item A - UPGRADE: Upgrade the gem's level

Item B - SYNTH: Synth Rainbow Gems

Item C - RECYCLE: Recycle Rainbow Gems

Item D - EXCHANGE: Change types of gems

Item E - DETAILS: Show details of any gem

Item F - SOCKET: Socket gem in cube

Item G - UNSOCKET: Unsocket gem from cube

Item H - ATTRIBUTE BONUS: List the current stats from your cube

Item I - GOLD & DIAMOND: Shows your current Gold and Diamond

Item J - OWNED GEMS: List the gems you own

Item K - OWNED RAINBOW GEMS: List the rainbow gems you own

Item L - FILTER GEM LEVEL: Filter the gems you own by level

Item M - FILTER GEM TYPE: Filter the gems you own by type

Item N - CLOSE button: Exit the cube window

Item O - HELP button: Help information about the Cube

Cube Socket Sequence

Cube Requirements to Unlock Sockets

Slots Restrictions

Gems x Sockets

Edited by Community Manager on 10/09/2015 15:42



GM Steve

Community Manager

Threads: 13

Posts: 202

Gem Details

You can check the attributes of any gem (by type & level)

Gem Exchange

  This allow you to exchange a gem type to another of your choice. You need diamonds to exchange, the cost will depend on the gem level. The higher the level the higher the cost.

Gem Upgrade

You can upgrade gems levels using 2 gems of same level and type. The upgrade will cost GOLD, the value increases accordingly to the gem level you wish.

Edited by Community Manager on 10/14/2016 16:32


~~ Turn your sadness into kindeness and your uniqueness into strenght ~~


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GM Steve

Community Manager

Threads: 13

Posts: 202

Unsocket Gem

If you wish to change a gem from your cube, first you need to unsocket it. Unsocket gem costs Gold.

Click at UNSOCKET button, choose the socket you want to free than click at UNSOCKET button. If you give up just click at BACK button.

Socket Gem

Each socket has it's own requirement (check above). The first free socket will be auto-select to be socket first, the Gem list in the right side will show the gems that can be socket in the free socket. The gems that not fulfill that socket requirement will be grayed.

Click the gem you wish (you can try any gem available before confirm), the Attribute Bonus will show which stats that gem will add to your cube. When you are satisfied you click at SOCKET.  Socketing gem is free, so you won't waste any gold.

Edited by Community Manager on 10/14/2016 17:11


~~ Turn your sadness into kindeness and your uniqueness into strenght ~~


Remember to provide the game, the server, your in-game name and screenshots when

reporting issues. Also, provide detailed info (what happened, what

should happen, what was lost, what was supposed to get, server time, etc.)



GM Steve

Community Manager

Threads: 13

Posts: 202

Rainbow Gem

A rainbow gem is a special gem, it's the synth of 4 different types of gems(all must be the same level). There isn't a guide or formula to get the attributes you want, they are random. So it will depend on your luck.

The higher the level of the gem the higher the probability to get extra attributes.

You can't upgrade a Rainbow Gem.

You can't own more than 8 Rainbow Gem.

The recycle option will destroy the selected Raibow Gem and give you random gems (types & levels)


This option is available for Rainbow Gems exclusively. You select the Rainbow Gem you wish to destroy and click the RECYCLE option, you need Gold to be able to do the recycling.

The gems obtained won't be the same level of the Rainbow Gem, it's lower level (random). You can't choose the type of gems you will get neither.

Edited by Community Manager on 10/14/2016 17:40


~~ Turn your sadness into kindeness and your uniqueness into strenght ~~


Remember to provide the game, the server, your in-game name and screenshots when

reporting issues. Also, provide detailed info (what happened, what

should happen, what was lost, what was supposed to get, server time, etc.)




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is rainbow gem cant equip sir?



GM Steve

Community Manager

Threads: 13

Posts: 202

Rainbow gems are socketed at the middle slot, and can be used only after you complete all other cube's slots.


~~ Turn your sadness into kindeness and your uniqueness into strenght ~~


Remember to provide the game, the server, your in-game name and screenshots when

reporting issues. Also, provide detailed info (what happened, what

should happen, what was lost, what was supposed to get, server time, etc.)