Cultivate a positive, engaged mindset. Begin each day with gratitude


08:41 10/05/2023


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Cultivate a positive, engaged mindset. Begin each day with gratitude. See life lessons in challenges. Laugh often. Limit media that breeds envy, discontentment and drama. Share encouragement generously. Develop interests that captivate your attention. Embrace learning. Feel emotions while responding thoughtfully. Appreciate the beauty around you. Purpose and meaning expand when we choose positivity.

Foster supportive relationships. Share your true self. Practice empathy. Invest in family bonds. Nurture friendships through ups and downs. Have intimate conversations. Reach out if someone is struggling. Offer and ask for help freely. Social health requires giving and receiving. Choose relationships that encourage your personal growth.

Express your unique gifts and passions. Participate in arts, music, athletics, writing, mentoring, cooking, gardening or other activities you love. Keep trying new creative outlets. Use skills to help and inspire others. What marks your days with fulfillment? Design your life around the pursuits that make you come alive.