AstroBoomers: To the Moon


18:07 05/26/2023


Threads: 14

Posts: 17

Can players establish their own bases or colonies on the moon in AstroBoomers: To the Moon? How does the game incorporate teamwork and cooperation among players? Are there any significant consequences or choices that players need to make in the game? Are there any side quests or additional activities players can engage in aside from the main storyline?




Threads: 39

Posts: 36

Yes, players can establish their own bases or colonies on the moon in AstroBoomers: To the Moon! The game encourages teamwork and cooperation among players by allowing them to build and manage their own lunar colonies. Players must make important decisions about how to manage their resources, build their colonies, and interact with other players. There are also side quests and additional activities players can engage in aside from the main storyline, such as exploring the moon and discovering new resources. To learn more about AstroBoomers: To the Moon and its features, visit




Threads: 7

Posts: 39

Establishing my own base or colony on the moon sounds like an incredible experience in AstroBoomers: To the Moon! I love games that promote teamwork and cooperation, and the ability to build and manage lunar colonies with other players is fantastic. Making significant choices that affect resource management and colony development adds depth to the gameplay.