The home icon can be found at the bottom of the screen at the right.
Items that are produced, are color coded, starting with white, green and blue, blue items are worth more than white items but do cost more in resources to make.
White are also primary items. IE you make leather, plant fibre, wood, steel and ivory in the factory.
Green are secondary items. IE you use the plant fibre and leather to make oil, and wood to make planks in the sawmill. also you use leather and steel to make drills in the blacksmith
Blue are third class items IE You use the planks, drills and oil to make crossbows in the weapons factory
In the home you will see the following buildings
1) Factory. You will start here by making me
2) Black smith. This can be used to make enhanced items. Second stage requires home level 3 and 1000 house coins
3) Sawmill. This can be used to made wooden items. second stage requires Home Level 3 and 500 house coins.
4) Weapons Factory AKA Weapons R US. Yes its for making weapons. Requires home level 3 to open.
5) The training ground. Where you can send your eidolans for a good work out
Training takes 12 hours 2000 house coins required to level up the training ground
6) The spa. you and other players can use your spa to relax and chat while you regen stamina at the rate of one stamina per minute up to the max stamina. This is in addition to the normal stamina claim rewards and the normal stamina regen. It is capped so the small hot spring will give 100 stamina per day
Med hot springs
Regens 120 stamina. Cost is 600 diamonds to upgrade.
Large hot springs
Regens 140 stamina. Cost is 1000 diamonds to upgrade.
Minister: They are near your spa. They have a list of low level weapons and buildings you can make, Making the weapons and buildings, give you home leveling exp.
Home House keeper Betty: she will tell you the level and status of all your buildings.
Home shop is found to the level of the factory, they sell some items that may be of interest to you
Onion Boy: 3 x PvE fight where you can get onions and mushrooms for devouring in the temple for soul to level up Eidolans.
At the bottom right of the home screen is the tool bar
Home Market will show you the market for buying and selling items.
Home Warehouse will show you your current warehouse inventory
Orders will show you the current orders you have.
Home shop will take you to the shop
Home Pets will show you your current pets ( unlocks at level 5 home )
Housekeeping will take you to the housekeeper
Prism Bridge ( can buy pets in shop at home level 5 but prism bridge opens at house level 6 )
Pine nut will give you a 3 minute reduction in build times.
Next go to the prism bridge by the house keeper. You can do a pet adventure that has a timer of 2 hours.