Coe Crystal Relay event
The event is open every day at 12.30 - 15.30, 16.30-17.30 and 21.00 to 23.30 ( times may be wrong )
There is 2 ways to play the event, as a PVPer or a crystal farmer. You can do both if you want.
The crystal turrets are around the outside of the map, the crystals spawn in the center of the map.
The event is a faction event, with 3 factions, Infernal, Glacial and Vital
The ob
1) At the top of the screen on the left is the Auto collect. ticking this will mean your character will auto path to the nearest SIDE crystal point where you will farm crystals for 2 points per time. This will continue until the event round ends or you are PVPed by another player and beaten in which case you will return to the faction spawn point
2) At the bottom right of the map is the Auto Path. press ctrl on your pc or laptop to bring up the mini map. Press Ctrl and Click on the mini map to auto path to a location on the map.
3) Attack Nearby enemies. This will only work if there is players in your immediate location and they are able to be attacked. If a player flashs the Reviving message, they can not be attacked