As time goes on, a few of the answers will seem quite surprising. Rejoice when that happens. It means that the next phase has begun. Everything that you're doing now will disappear, and you will not remember it in the light of what'll happen afterwards. Toddlers, be not afraid. Just think of this: God could be the REAL Foundation of the Course. It needs you just in His Name. Would He then not let you know what to do and assist you to take action?
More About A Course in Miracles
My cousin does not harm. He wills no harm. In this manner of thinking is quite definitely in accordance with the lesson in A Course in Miracles “My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And what I choose to see I will behold.” My cousin doesn't harm. He wills no harm. There's a part in Step 241 of Steps to Knowledge, “My anger is unjustified” which vibrates in sympathy to the train of thought:
Anger, then, is not justified, for this is a misinterpretation of true communication. Your anger is not justified because anger exists of confusion. Yet, confusion calls for preparation and the true application of Knowledge. Therefore, the sinful are not punished but are attended to. The wicked aren't provided for hell but are prepared for Heaven. Here is the true nature of God's purpose in the world. That is why God cannot be angry because God isn't offended. God is merely applying God to a predicament where God has temporarily been forgotten.
My buddy doesn't harm. He wills no harm. I know individuals are looking over this and thinking “But Douglas! How about the criminals and the terrorists?” It's going to take some effort on my part to think about them as confused and bewildered, in place of crucifying them as evil and harmful. All I understand now is when I'm going to apply the idea “Not harm, will no harm,” then I'm also going to own to rehearse the concept “My buddy does not harm. He wills no harm.”