I get what you are saying and thats not uncommon in gaming...
I have a list of changes that I would like to see in the game that would change the game dynamics... without impeding game play.....
The changes are basically from the start of the game with new heroes in the market etc, more of a range in duty call, a change to the heroes in VIP....
I found for me, the biggest issue was getting a couple of purple heroes, that impacted on my own game play greatly.... the lack of titles and the cost of the enhanced heroes, to me, had a big impact on the game..... also some of the super skills were nice but did not give as much of a benefit to the game as it did to some players who spend to get them and clear the final campaigns......
Like most games, I think a hard core mode is needed ( diablo 2 had one, you die and its game over ).....but the opposition to that comes from the developers, most gamers are opposed to that situation where they could lose because of a lost connection or random server down issue.