CoE Combat system
The COE combat system is very simple and straight forward if you are going to use the auto
combat bu
But for those that like more control over their combat. You have the 3 Arcane combat system.
is turn ba
me its fun for about the first 3 fights at the high levels but a fight can go
for a few rounds so you may have to click more than 50 times during the fight.
Now most people are going to look at that and say that’s easy
Fire = AtK
ice= Def
Nature = heal
You would be wrong, its not fire, water or earth. It is actually
Infernal overpowers vital, vital overpowers glacial, glacial overpowers infernal
And no its not as simple as atk, def and healing.
The Arcane system is more indepth.
Veiled Nemesis is a vital eidolan that attacks the lowest HP enemy.
Nemesis is a vital eidolan that attacks the highest speed enemy.
Maenad is a vital eidolan that heals the middle row
gets more complicated ba
It is important to pay attention to the arcanes as it can make the difference between winning and losing a fight
As you can see from the combat window, the Eidolans are in a 9 tile formation. That is the basis of the combat formation. Players will unlock more formations as they level up.
All tiles unlock at level 90