RoG Version update 27th of august 2018.


05:34 08/27/2018


Community Manager

Threads: 282

Posts: 2371

Great fighters of RoG.

I bring you tidings from the Realm of Guardians

RoG:Evolution is a new version of ROG that will be on all servers.

Some changes are going to please players, some are not. Remember that we do have Forums, Facebook, Skype, Wechat and QQ for players to give on-going feedback, suggestions and ideas.

Wechat and QQ are available as downloads for mobile and PC. We have QQ and Wechat permanent rooms where players can talk directly to the dev team.  Unfortunately due to Europe’s change in laws, QQ has blocked new account sign up.


The VIP rewards system has been changed. It is important that VIP players check the new rewards system before reporting the changes as a bug.

Getting VIP1 is now very beneficial to players because it gives them extra benefits in the game including the first recharge pack. We do understand that some players can not recharge or can not use the available recharge options available, our options on resolving that are limited.


1)      We are opening a new event in the game, that allows players to get free diamonds. Check the diamond icon in the game. Dig Diamonds event. Vip1 required to claim diamonds


2)      FB Like option, please use it and support ROG, it can help attract new players to ROG and mean fuller servers.



3)      Changes to the wings system. Players will notice that they have the ability to slot 3 talent cards on the wings panel. This will increase the effectiveness of the wings.

Rainbow plume can be used to upgrade the wing power cards. The rainbow plume will be in events.

Wings stats have been adjusted because of this change.

Wings are removed from the mail.

The first wing can be gained from quest, the second get from first recharge, the 3rd, Continuous recharge, 4th and 5th, recharge event, 6th new server package


4)      Skills panel. The second row of runes is now unlocked by gaining VIP 2. ( changed )



5)      Added Super investments for players that want to invest in their builds for maximum potential. This is a Recharge Diamond event.


6)     Adjusted the main quest system before level 30. Players will notice that the game will direct them to complete Dungeon 1-12 in storyline mode then go to Dungeon 1 elite mode. Map 2 will unlock at player level 25.

Auto place items level has been reduced.


7)      Changes to the black market with prices and items. Black market will be VIP restricted. The mall will be open to all players


8)      Growth packs now have tickets in them, the tickets are for the arcane crusades.


9)      ( this update has been delayed )Big wheel and Thrall summon. BW will give set items, grade stones, refine stones, refine locks and equipment items. Thrall summon, common summon can give up to purple thrall. Advanced summon can give boss thrall


10)   Changes to Diamond mine and Thrall arena. Now there is a score and level system, this means that pvp is part of DM and TA


11)   Changes to VIP level benefits, please check the text changes. The changes do include unlocking the 2nd rune slots and also 2nd and 3rd  thrall slots. Extra attempts with arcane crusades.



For those players familiar with S11. There is a graded drop system based on dungeon difficulty. Green for story. Blue for elite. Purple for insane mode.

Thrall Arena and Diamond mine has been changed. It is now a PVP event with a score system

1.       Gain 100 score to reach the next level, lose 100 score and lose a level

2.       Gain 10 score by killing players, lose 10 if you are defeated by player or NPC

3.       Kill NPCS to gain 1-5 score

4.       Score decreases by 1 every 2 mins.


Guilds are functional and players need to check a few things

1.       Guilds cost 500 diamonds to create, guilds can be created at level 25.

2.       Guild rank names can be changed by the guild leader

3.       3 levels of guild contribution.

4.       Guilds open at level 23.


Remember, any feedback, positive or negative is better with details. The more information, the better we understand players concerns and feedback, the less information, the less we know about the players concerns.


Thanks for your support of ROG and continued enjoyment.

RoG dev team

Edited by Community Manager on 08/27/2018 05:34




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