12:46 04/28/2018
[S68] West Vale (Europe)
I will send this to the devs immediately....
The issue has been rereported..... but the problem is the devs are not answering our emails so its taking a long time to get issues like the stuck loading screen fixed
[S68] West Vale (Europe)
If I had an answer for where the devs are, I would be as happy as the players
As AMZ staff, my answer would be be patient, the issue is being worked on. BUT as a fellow gamer and player, I would have already been looking for another game to try.
Yes we are pushing ROG because its the new game coming and yes because there has been a lot of work going into it and YES because the feedback about LR is part of the reason why the game follows elements of LR amongst other games.....
But there is another reason, AMZ is moving away from games we can not get maintained and updated, because its not fair on the players. It does not mean we are going to start closing all the older games, they will stay open as long as possible for the players but we are moving in the direction of AMZ developed and built games where the players have more say in the games development and there is a far better level of interaction and support by the devs.
AMZ's goal is certain, they want to collect members for ROG. but are wrong. I never play another game in AMZ. just lordsroad for my
[S68] West Vale (Europe)
Playing is a personal choice, you play the games you enjoy. We are not wanting players to join RoG if they are not interested in that type of game.... because its a waste of their time and ours.
Sure, enjoy LR, we will keep it open as long as we can because players enjoy it and are loyal to that game, players just like you....... but other players want games like ROG so we need to provide for them as well. We are frustrated that we can not get LR fixed for players. That is why we are moving away from that type of game... its called respect for players and their right to have a working playable game.