00:32 08/10/2017
You were asked for screenshots so we knew what you were talking about.
None of the AMZ staff play LoA because we lack the time or the interest in LoA. So we need to know more about the event, when it happens, the character name and server and we can ask the devs to check it
What browser are u using? Chrome tends to have long loading times on this game.
Firefox performs a bit better on loa.
So if it looks like your game is stuck at the loading screen at maybe 85% just wait
a few minutes. Even on my fast connecting, high performance PC ist takes sometimes
one minute to load the backpack.
Just get yourself a firefox variant portable version and if you can use a 64bit version.
cheers a retired loa player
Chrome uses HTTPS which is a secure connection, its nice but its not suited for gaming which uses HTTP, less secure but faster.......
Its possible to force chrome to use HTTP but chrome will fight it...... the only way that AMZ could assist there, is by investing 10s of 1000s in major server purchases and upgrades
This is the screen shot of my Dragon soles look like and then it freezes up.
Give me the character name and I will ask.
The reason why the staff can not just log into your account and check, is because that system ended months ago.... there is two reasons behind it, one is players themselves causing trouble because the staff got involved with players and helped them ( not with items, gold or diamonds but simply advice on how to be better players and we lost some big players over that ) and second, 24/7 support is not cheap and the games were not covering the costs.
I will have to reforward this issue. there has been no response.
The response was there is a lack of information and screenshots regarding this issue.
It can be a browser issue, it may be a character issue but its not a server issue.
so to narrow things down, the devs need to know the browser type used for each character.
Any error message or a detailed desc
Personally I believe its a character issue where something is jammed or not loading.
This is what happened every time that I attempt to go to Dragon Souls. Then the game freezes and I have to reset the game. I'm using Internet explorer
ok we tried firefox ,chrome and explorer none helped still froze if its my character what can I do to that ? chis tried every thing you suggested about my dragon souls I really don't want to start a new Game it took me 3 years to get where I am now ? any advice would be helpful I will check back into forum later and see if I get a answer on anything would be helpful thank you mschis s2-nevernight ua1
I have seen this type of bug before and its a complete nightmare of a bug.... as the devs can log into your character and not see a issue...... and that can happen because of a point of origin bug....
PoO bugs happen when there is a issue that can only be duplicated by logging into the character on the device where the issue occurs.... and they are notoriously hard to fix, yet something as simple as a game update can fix the character
It would require a game update.... but there is no quarantee of a fix.
Can you give me a screenshot of the same screen for a character that could get into the event..... and if possible a network log for them both.... use firefox and hit crtl, shift and Q and reload the page before the event.....
that will give a screenshot of the network logs and may show where the issue may be happening or not show a issue at all, which is also good because it rules out browser and network issues....
its something the devs can not do as it has to be done on the device the player uses.....