Clan is where players get together and live as their family. A clan can give you rewards, help, fun time together and keep you get interesting in the game.
Now we will start discovering more about Clan!!
Clan basic information
- Clan can be found at
- You can open/join a clan when your level is 26.
- Depart a clan will take 24 hours to join again a clan.
- Clan leader can invite players to their clan, after accepting players are directly in the clan (no need to go through application)
Click Recruit, input the name of player you want to invite, after that click Invite
Or you can Broadcast to recruit many players on World Chat
At the screen of player, they will see this icon , means the invitation has been sent to them. If they accept they will directly join the clan without any application.
- You can't invite a player who left the clan lower than 24 hours.
Clan position
- Clan Info is where you can see the clan list, there has 4 position that are Clan Leader, Deputy, Elders and Members. Each position has their own role.
- There are 1 Clan Leader, 1 Deputy and 3 Elders in a clan, the rest are members.
- Application List is where Leader, Deputy or Elder can recruit new members for the clan. Once the clan reaches maximum members, you can't recruit or invite more players in.
- Clan Leader can pass their position to Deputy or player that is VIP3+, after that he/she is a member.
- Only Leader and Deputy can expel members.
Clan donation
In order to level up your clan, each member has to do Board Quest, complete Board Quest will get added in Clan Capital, and when Clan reaches certain capital, Leader or Deputy can level up the clan.
There are many ways to add more capital: capture the flag, finish Parlor missions, donate diamonds,...
- Donate 10 clan capital for 1 diamond and get 10 medallion as a gift in return. Medallion get from donating will be added in Elections.
- Contribution shows how hard working is a member and how many donate he/she make for the clan.
Clan events
- 4 clan events which are Clan Vial, Clan Party, Clan Boss and Clan Treasure Hunt.
- Clan Boss unlocks when Clan is level 2, Clan Treasure Hunt unlocks when Clan is level 4.
1. Clan Vial
- Any member in clan can throw vials, when collecting vials members get random rewards (Draft of Vitality, Diviner Stone, Astral Rune, Goblin Sachel,...)
- There 4 types of Vial: Glass, Silver, Gold and Diamond. You can throw maximum 5 times.
Cost 20 diamonds to throw 3 Glass Vials , the one who throw vials will get gift in return, for Glass Vials gifts are 2 gem case .
100 diamonds for 5 Silver Vials, gifts are 2 Hallow Relic Chests and 2 gem case.
200 diamonds for 7 Gold Vials
Gifts are 5 Extract Chest and 10 gem case
Diamond Vials are different from above Vials, when collecting Diamond Vials: depending on how many amount of diamonds they throw, you get random amount of diamonds.
For the one who throws Diamond Vials, he/she has to share his/her diamonds to distribute them to clan members.
Maximum 1000 diamonds invest for 20 vials.
Minimum 20 diamonds invest for 5 vials.
2. Clan Party
To claim rewards, 7 members have to join this event, when the team is full rewards will be sent.
You can assist the position to help your members.
3.Clan Boss
Clan Boss is opened by Leader or Deputy. Can be opened 2 times a day and reset at 5am.
Clan Boss can be opened at any time in a day, depends on Leader and Deputy.
During Clan Boss, members of the clan together fighting a monster and rewards are gem case.
4. Clan Treasure Hunt
Only Leader/Deputy can open treasure hunt and refresh it when it reaches final point.
Each member has 3 attempts to play, purchase more attempts by bound diamonds.
Click on the cube to play and run in the map and claim random rewards.
For one time reaching final point, all members gain the big chest reward.