Please vote for me to support &007&
Serveur 19 EU - EDEA
Lazy Marchant : Not same timer for all people. Have see only one per day for the moment.
Pop and stay 1hour.
Very Rare buy item.
Gebelin Marchant : Refresh morning and afternoon, purchase all with gold price.
Market :
Crystal credit :
5 emerald : 500 500
5 amazonite : 500 500
8 Mephisto : 1600 1600 ( 63 days one )
10 Hel : 800 800 ( 30 days one )
10 Vidar : 800 800 ( 30 days one )
10 Attila : 800 800 ( 30 days one )
15 Yolanda : 600 600 ( 4 days one )
15 Athena : 600 600 ( 4 days one )
// Total : 5480 5480 per day
Medal of honor :
8 Stepping stone : 160
5 ruby : 100
5 amethyst : 100
4 Nightmare Merlin : 160 ( 125 days one )
5 Arcane merlin : 80 ( 60 days one )
5 Nestor : 80 ( 60 days one )
5 Skald : 80 ( 60 days one )
15 Perseus : 120 ( 4 days one )
15 Sigurd : 120 ( 4 days one )
// Total : 1000 per day
Medaillon :
5 opal : 1000
5 saphire : 1000
20 Royal spirite : 8000 ( 25 days one )
5 Minotaure : 800 ( 60 days one )
5 Overlord beowulf : 800 ( 60 days one )
5 Faeri Knight : 800 ( 60 days one )
15 Austin : 1200 ( 4 days one )
15 Merlin : 1200 ( 4 days one )
15 Grove : 1200 ( 4 days one )
// Total : 16k per day
Home merchand :
2 Pine nut : 2000
5 Ruby : 2500
5 Emerald : 2500
// Total : 7000 per day
Technologie level :
HP : +100-104br
ATK : +100-104br
DEF : +100-104br
Not rentable at begining of serveur because low salary, low medail.
Trick : Dont buy anymore eiolon blue or pink you already have and you do not need to play.
Buy golden eiolon is imperativ !
Buy gemmes and sphere auroral and stepping stone.
Buy lv 6 evolution items and +
Stamina buy is the most important. Stamina give other item and xp. Xp is the most valuable stat in the game, with home xp.
Buy lv 6 evolution item very important. There is a gap for evolution of eiolon, that the extract very diffucult to have, be shure to have all lv6 items farm every day with all extract. Or you will have problem for evolution eiolon and quest to win it, and the 5 stars at end.
Rank 1 arena : 200k gold - 500 honor - 100 daily diamonds
Rank one grail-war week challenge : 1 mount for 7 days - 1000 honor
Boss x2 :
First : 15 gemmes // 30 gemmes
Last hit : 5 gemmes // 10 gemmes
Participate : 3 gemmes - 43k xp - 43k soul // 6 gemmes - 86k xp - 86k soul
Faction challenge x1 :
win : 120k gold 93kxp 12key
Lose : no HF 8 keys
First combo : no difference, HF ?
Orb breaker x1 :
Make all the same color, search big combo > 10.
Midle square of 4 same color in all direction.
( i'm not good to this game wait for your trick !! )
Sometime orb dont change color and break all tentative of framework infinity.
What i do but dont work very good :
0 X X X 0 X
X 0 0 0 X 0
X 0 0 0 X 0
X 0 0 0 X 0
X 0 0 0 X 0
0 X X X 0 X
Or i do one time red, one time blue line. Arevage 2k score.
Focus only one color dont work.
Grail wars x2:
Win 40 honor // 400 + 400 = 800 honor
lose 20 honor // 200 + 200 = 400 honor
Rat race x2 :
Win : Hf facebook
There is point of pandora : speed - Pink-back - Frozen
they change every 2sec, you will have the same that people on you.
Goal is more to finish 2 laps and have maximum reward thant be first.
- First reward is facebook reward share and maw reward
- If you use clear on pink-back debuff you may probably have frozen debuff 1 sec after.
- Frozen debuff is the more benefique to dispel.
- Have hero with extend acceleration is not very good, because counter by pink-back.
Rewards : xp - gold - souls
Finish 2 Laps : 9k 160k 13k ( increase with level )
- Reflect sabotage
- Slow others ( slow people in area sometime )
- Acceleration ( run sometime )
- Rest longer ( make sleep )
- Restrain ( your hero move slow sometime)
- Extend the time ( give +10 sec )
- Immune to doubleback
- Immune to rest
- Immune to restrain ( slow )
- Jump the gun ( go a -10 sec )
- Head start ( time of debuff effect -50% )
Crystal relay :
On finish daily requirement : Facebook HF
Red Comando billed are only on pvp battle, not on crystal.
Win 58 : 598 red
win 110 : 1011 red
There is no auroral sphere to win, that a game mistake.
House monster : Have to make a lot - 4000 home xp - 800 coin reward
Go to friend house on annoncement have 800 home coin reward but no xp
House monster is 80% of xp home.
Trick : people with a lot of diamond dont do events, only quest etc, prefer to use supreme recall x3 on xp - gold - souls. Cost 270 diamonds ?
Stamina can be maximum 1000
Diamond use :
Energie : 25 + 25 + 50(-20vip) + 50 = 130
Diamond win :
Daily time 4h : 10
Daily quest : 28
1st rank pvp : 100
Pvp daily battle : 15
= 153
free = 23
Monthly card : 50
= 203
free = 73
Gear : Focus on same all level, because all increase level is +180br, but price increase !
Make good transition with team battle, and skirmish daily and your stuff.
Auroral sphere : Always focus the 2 quest at 8 and 16 use. Wait the day you have it. To win Stepping Stone.
Stepping Stone : Always focus the 2 quest at 25 and 50 use. Wait the day you have it. To win Stepping Stone.
Gear enchant lv 60 : Focus all in same level because same Br+ but price increase
Vote : keep all your vote for a friend, you can have 500. And use all on monday moring.
People that dont care of people, always vote for first in list to make quest more fast.
Be first in list give so mutch vote just like this !
Trick : Some people dont want the max br but stronger team in pvp. They focus a leader Tank/dps to make it impossible to kill.
Work very good at begin, not when people have eiolon that focus back line of midle line.
Bolster daily-quest : *8-4 // *16-8 // *32-0.3key
5 Bolster = 436-500 br = 100 diamonds
Source = 2 Daily challenge - Team battle
Stepping Stone daily-quest : *25-2 // *50-4 // *100-4
Rank br = 10k
Source = 1 Daily time - 8 Medal - Home - 2 Orb breaker = 11
15 daily quest : Do only blue at worst, target purple and yellow.
trick : Use blitz cache to farm challenge you dont win all the time. They wil always be win ( stadium hi level )
Pine nut : Have all pine nut with lv 4 talents, craft lv4 quality yellow very good ( big reduction craft time )
Buy every day the 2 you can have.
Then upgrate pine nut with 6 fusion when full.
Upgrade : Unlock all craft as soon as possible. Then stop upgrade
Quest craft : The first 6 quest give x3 reward. Only do quest with 250++ exp.
Eiolon team :
- One tank team : ( greath to have push it a lot, to make tank invincible, life leach very good )
= Very good at begining serveur, people dont have heros that atac back line or midle line, you protect all your eiolon very good.
- Two tank team : Anti focus team, eiolon atac randomly eiolon on the same atac line. With good heal or tree DPS, very good defensive/versatile.
- Full dps team : For boss and some event.
- Two heal : Good for midle game et end game, counter back line focus. Very good with buff healer etc.
= good at end game
- Tree heal : Only work with 2 dps in very focus use. You win the fight has soon you have kill one enemi.
- Shield ( if shield on arcane = effect )
- Heal Stack ( Every time heal = effect )
- Summon ( on 6 or more = effect )
- Time ( on every cast of arcane = effect )
- ...
- Use eiolon shard to buy eiolon for quest summon in priority !
- Use state patrol between event OR in place of event like crystal event. A lot of XP !
- Play every day it the key to finish the game, gap between first player and other will recduce with time in %. Not realy a pay to win... ( comparing league of angel 2 )
- In pvp your team always play in automatic when you are attaqued, think that for arena rank. For exemple shield compos dont work very good in automatic...
Have fun, speak with people :)
That a game for people have time to lose or work at home ^^
Give me your tricks ! I ad...