[League of Angels Forum Event] What’s Your Favorite Hero?


23:16 10/12/2016


Community Manager

Threads: 195

Posts: 49

A good news! Post the screenshot of your favorite hero with your IGN and Server below can have a chance to win these rewards: Angel Tears x100; Diamond x1000; Bless Stone x 100; Soul Stone x 200; Seraph Stone x100  


Time: 13/10-16/10


We will choose one lucky player to get these rewards after the event ends.


Rewards will be sent by the in-game email in 5 working days after the event ends.

Edited by Community Manager on 10/12/2016 23:16




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hi plss gift me wings \




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Posts: 5

S46 Fumi

Edited by Anonymous27084204 on 10/13/2016 11:30




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Posts: 1

hello im Masane from server 44 Blue Tiger [US East] 

i would like wish to get the Avatar Happy Bear to unlock his skill Toadsoul which deals to enemies 100k damage.

and would like to wish to have the avatar Nicole because my main avatar is a girl, i always wished to use her as my main avatar in Clash Of Avatars but shes rarely appeared in avatar exchange, if one of these avatars is given i would be so happy.

and lastly for the wings, im not sure but, i wish to get the Demon Wings since its Halloween Event. 

thank you  

the halloween suggestion. Item sale, free demon wings or redesign the braveheart into graveheart, all the dungeons are halloween themed, like a zombie apocalypse. 

Edited by Anonymous26731090 on 10/14/2016 21:25
  • Anonymous26731090 and for the halloween suggestion, i would like a discount on this event on Excalibur, Pet.

    10/13/2016 20:41




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Posts: 2

hi im Romisa the leader of guild Valentine from server 44 Blue Tiger 

i really want the Keim avatar as my main cuz he resembles to my favorite character of the game kingdom hearts. Axel he suits to my dream character, pale with long white hair and black coat, seeing him rampaging on the colisium and asura is like a rock on my world espicially if im the one who is using it. Using him with those fire magic skills is so awesome, really look like Axel. also, if its possible, i want to get the Saint Wings cuz i really want to enhance more my lightning damage. Lightening runes is the greatest runes for me because of its fast excution and on its AoE. Thats all and...thanks hehe

and for my halloween suggestion is..um..alter the map temporary on a halloween theme, change the turnip in the "turnip land" into a pumpkin, and the monsters are "Zombies and Skeletons"
Edited by Romisa on 10/14/2016 21:07



Iselia/Ethereal Queen

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Posts: 1

EtherealQueen.S:44 is here. I just want to get the tartarus wings since I am a priest, I want my healing runes or freezing adds more efferct. And it looks cool with my avatar Asura Queen
And I like the avatar Jessica
Edited by Iselia/Ethereal Queen on 10/13/2016 22:45




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Andromaleus of server 44. I want monkey king for new R skill




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I want this Ninja

S47: gaming186

Edited by Anonymous27068218 on 10/15/2016 00:30




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Posts: 2

pls also give me chance to win




Community Manager

Threads: 6

Posts: 361

Hi, everyone, this event is for LoA.