Bruised Bananas - object Lessons From a banana is good for weight loss
banana is good for weight loss are easily bruised and can quickly become a pile of mush and peel. These games have a tendency to be messy so you will want to play them in an area where it is easy to mop up the mess. You'll also need a lot of banana is good for weight loss. You can also use plastic or toy banana is good for weight loss for some of the games as this will reduce the number of banana is good for weight loss and can tie in to the later discussion. But real banana is good for weight loss are so much more messy and fun! Green banana is good for weight loss will last a little longer and be a little less messy.
A Peeling banana is good for weight loss - Youth must peel a banana is good for weight loss and eat it with hands tied behind their backs.
banana is good for weight loss Bites - Give each youth a banana is good for weight loss , or choose a representative from each team. The ob
jective is to peel and eat the banana is good for weight loss while holding one hand behind his/her back. In other words, the youth must peel the banana is good for weight loss with his or her teeth, then eat it. The first to do so and whistle, is the winner.
banana is good for weight loss Circle Race - Everyone takes off their shoes and sits with their team in a circle on the floor. Youth must pass a banana around the circle from person to person using only their feet. Each successful pass to a person adds a point but teams lose a point if a hand is used or if the banana is good for weight loss is dropped. Once the time is up, the team with the most points wins.
banana is good for weight loss Duel - Have everyone pair up and tie their left wrist together with a bandana. Give each a banana is good for weight loss to hold in their left hand. When you say "go", they peel the banana with only their right hand and try to push it in their partner's face/mouth. You may want to do this blindfolded to add excitement. First to do so wins!
banana is good for weight loss Eating Contest - This is the typical peel the banana is good for weight loss and eat it contest with a twist. Youth must put one leg of a pair of new nylons over their face. The first person to eat the entire banana through the nylon wins! It can be done but be prepared for a mushy mess!
banana is good for weight loss Footrace - Girls must peel a banana and feed it to their team mate using only their feet. You can break the stalk so that the start is easier.
banana is good for weight loss Grab - (Played like the game of spoons but with banana is good for weight loss ) - Have everyone sit around a table and put one banana for each person in the middle of the table. Take one Banana out so there is one less banana is good for weight loss than the number of people. Have one person deal four cards to each player. The goal with the cards is to get four of a kind (4 Aces, 4 Kings, etc.) To start the game the dealer will take one card from the remaining deck. They must decide if they want to swap the card out with one of theirs or pass it to the left. If they swap it out, they must pass one of their previous cards to the left, leaving them always with four cards. The person to the left does the same thing with the passed cards and the cards continuously go around the table. When someone has four of a kind they can grab a banana is good for weight loss . Once one person has four of a kind everyone else can grab a banana at the same time. Shuffle and deal again, removing one spoon each time and eliminating a new player!
banana is good for weight loss Mascots - Each team is given a banana and a bag of random items (felt, foil, beads, etc... BE CREATIVE). They must create a personality and appearance for their banana is good for weight loss with the items they get. One volunteer from each group gets up and introduces their banana mascot to the group. It's better if each group gets different items for variety.
banana is good for weight loss Necking - Youth line up single file in teams. Without using hands, they must pass the banana is good for weight loss down the line by trapping the banana under the chin.
banana is good for weight loss Olympics - Prepare a copy of the tasks for each team and place them in a bag in the middle of the room. The teams should sit at the side of the room. Allocate a bag to each team. Give each team four banana is good for weight loss. One player from each team runs one after the other to their bag and pulls out a piece of paper with a task written on it then runs back to their team. The player reads out the task and performs it. One leader per team should make sure that this is done correctly. The first team to complete the tasks has won. Sample tasks: Drop a banana under your clothes from collar to ankle, Hold two bananas like horns on your head and act like a bull, Tickle a players bare feet with a banana is good for weight loss , Throw a banana is good for weight loss to the ceiling and catch it again, Sit on a banana and squash it, Walk out of the room with a banana is good for weight loss between your knees, Balance a banana on your finger for 5 seconds, Balance a banana on your face for 5 seconds, etc.
banana is good for weight loss On a String - Tie strings around several peeled banana is good for weight loss and hang them from the ceiling. Ask for volunteers to race to see who can eat the banana is good for weight loss first without touching it with their hands. Increase the difficulty by using unpeeled banana is good for weight loss.
banana is good for weight loss Relays - There are a lot of different relay ideas you can do: Carry the banana is good for weight loss under your armpit and hop on one foot, Hold the banana is good for weight loss between your knees, two teammates toss the banana back and forth down the field and back (designate a minimum number of tosses), Leapfrog formation and first player hops over players while holding banana is good for weight loss and then tosses banana is good for weight loss to next player in line to do the same. Do them as individual races or combine them all together for each person in line to do something different
banana is good for weight loss Rugby - Teams of youth must score goals by throwing a banana is good for weight loss into a bucket which is guarded by a goal keeper. Split the group into two equal sized teams who each choose a goal keeper. The keeper will be placed on a stool holding a bucket on the opposite side from his team. Players may not run with the banana is good for weight loss. You cannot touch the player in possession of the banana is good for weight loss. You can only pass the banana is good for weight loss with your hands. A team loses possession of the banana is good for weight loss if a member takes more than one step before passing it. Players have a 10 second count to throw or it is an automatic turnover. If a pass is intercepted, is batted to the ground, or goes out of bounds it changes possession. The opposing team starts their turn from where the banana is good for weight loss comes to rest. More than one banana is good for weight loss in the game means more action! You can also make sure the girls are included by requiring each pass from a guy to be made to a girl and vice versa or only allowing girls to score.